Saturday 1 February 2014

A what???

So we're sitting at the airport waiting for our dinner to arrive, drinking prosecco to celebrate the start of our travels. Our flight is already delayed by an hour, but as someone wise said - that just gives us another hour to sip on the bubbles!!! 

It's been an eventful day to say the least, we've been up since 7 doing the few (ha!) last minute things that needed doing. The day didn't get off to the best start when we opened a drawer in the kitchen this morning and found a mouse. Really?? Today of all days??? Despite laying an elaborate bread based enticement trap for the mouse, he was too clever for us, and doing anything else with him fell firmly in the 'too difficult' column for today... It's all good, he was really cute - how much damage can one tiny mouse do?! (That is rhetorical - I don't want to know!)

Safe to say we are both very excited, we popped round to see family today and got and gave lots of hugs and kisses. It's lovely to know that however far away we are we can stay in touch - skype is magic! 

Bubbles calling, best be off - next stop Buenos Aires!!!! 

K x 


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