Thursday 3 April 2014


When the time comes to go home from travelling, it is always so bittersweet. 

Of course we have missed our friends and family, but skype and the internet make it so easy to stay in touch now that it really doesn't feel like 2 months since we've seen everyone.  There is no denying that we are both tired, invigorated and inspired by everything we have seen and done certainly, but we are becoming a little weary of living out of a bag, eating out constantly (sometimes you just want toast...), doing currency maths every time we want to buy something and travelling across countries and borders by various means of transport. It's fantastic fun, but tiring too. When scheduling this trip, I neglected to add the requisite days every now and then for battery recharging, particularly in the first month when we were on the move constantly. There was a real feeling of needing to fit in as much as we possibly could - having the opportunity to spend this time travelling in such incredible places meant that we had to make the most of it, something that we both feel we have; there are very few things we had wanted to do on this trip that we didn't manage to.  

But despite all of that, the thought of going home, even to our lovely friends and family and house, just feels so wrong. Knowing that this time next week I'll have had my first day back at work scares me, because I know that sitting here in Costa Rica writing this is going to feel like a lifetime ago by then. Getting back into a routine, eating actual meals, going to the gym, supermarket shops and commuting is going to feel so utterly strange compared to our last two months. I feel like I need another month just to sit and think about everything we've been so lucky to see, and really appreciate what an awesome trip this has been - it has almost been overwhelming in it's intensity.  We've travelled more than 27,000 miles, through 7 countries, staying in 30 different towns and cities (and places that can be described as neither of those things).  We've met fantastic people at every stop, be it locals that we've hardly been able to communicate with, or fellow travellers that we know we'll still be in touch with in years to come. The things we have seen have been so awe inspiring, there is so much to think about and reflect on.  Having to readjust to normality Is going to be quite a challenge.

I can't deny that we are both sitting here feeling sad, this is the end of an adventure that has been a year in the planning, and because it was so inextricably linked with the wedding it feels like that is now finally over and behind us as well. There will always be new adventures, nobody will be surprised to hear that we have lots planned for the rest of 2014 already, but nothing will ever be quite like this one.  This really has been the trip of a lifetime, and we are so grateful to everyone at helped make it so fantastic... I don't know how we are ever going to top it. 

Costa Rica updates in the next few days, I've run out of space on the iPad so can't upload any new pictures, it will give me something to do when the 7 hour time difference and jet lag kicks in when we get home. 

See you all soon...

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